Never Been to a Chiropractor Before?

Healthy Balance


Chiropractor Treatment – Your First Steps to Finding Help

Quality chiropractor treatment begins with finding the right chiropractic doctor. Magnolia Natural Health focuses on overall structure, not just pain management.


What You Should Know Before Your Examination

Once you’ve scheduled your initial consultation you’ll need to schedule a full examination. This will include filling out a full health profile form to be found here. Feel free to complete it at home, or we will provide one when you arrive at the office.

The form is long, so please allow for enough time to complete it. But the depth of information required begins a dialogue between you and Dr. Sadanaga—one that will give him a clearer picture of your overall health and immediate pain symptoms.

Before we begin treatment, you will undergo a full examination which will begin with an inspection of your posture and a full complement of X-rays.

You will then be asked to schedule an appointment so that Dr. Sadanaga has an opportunity to fully study your X-rays and discuss treatment options with you. Most people will need structural correction, while others will be advised on nutrition and weight loss options. Some will need a combination of options.

If you decide to begin treatment at Magnolia Natural Health, your journey to a healthier posture and lifestyle can begin then.

Some people worry that a chiropractic adjustment will produce more pain. Most back and neck injuries are painful, and usually cause radiating symptoms of swelling and soreness. For the majority of chiropractic patients, an adjustment will provide immediate relief.

The relief will probably be temporary, lasting hours, days or weeks, depending on the severity of your injury. Remember: Magnolia Natural Health incorporates structural correction for long-term health.

This is a process to correct your primary condition, to repair the structural foundation of your body. That means that treatment occurs over time, and you’ll feel your pain lessen as your back treatment progresses.

If you are only interested in pain relief for the secondary symptoms, and not a correction of the primary problem, Magnolia Natural Health probably won’t be your best choice for chiropractic Los Angeles care.